Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days

Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days

Leek And Potato Soup - Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days

Good evening. Now, I discovered Leek And Potato Soup - Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days. Which is very helpful to me and also you.

I know that you would be hesitant and in doubt to believe that you can lose weight with tea and fast track it in 7 days. But give me the benefit of the doubt by reading through the formula I am going to define here which worked for me and just might also work for you.

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Leek And Potato Soup

To start with the diet you need to first narrative your starting weight. starting today and for the next six days abruptly cut out all fat rich and sugar rich foods like pork, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, sodas, alcohol, etc. Even those advertised as sugar-free food and drinks are to be cut out totally. I know it would be so hard but believe me it will be worth it.

Day 1

Start your day with a cup of tea and also prepare some tea in the refrigerator, do not add any sugar at all but lemon slices will be a refreshing addition, which you can drink throughout the day. For morning meal you can have a cup of oatmeal without sugar and with banana slices. Lunch will be fish slightly salted and marinated in tea for at least 30 minutes and then broiled. Have a slice of wheat or whole meal bread with your fish. Dinner can be a cup of mixed veggies steamed and a cup of apples. For snacks you can select between 1/2 of an apple and half of a serving of yoghurt. Be sure that you take a cup or glass of tea every meal and in between meals if needed aside from drinking lots of water too. Also take at least a 20 to 30 exiguous walk around your neighborhood or good yet take the stairs whenever you can in the office.

Day 2

Starting with your cup or glass of tea, take a slice of wheat or whole meal bread and two slices of cheddar cheese. For lunch take a breast of chicken marinated in a exiguous soy sauce, garlic, pepper and juice of 2 to 3 Philippine lemons for 30 minutes to an hour then grill to perfection. Dinner can be a slice of toasted wheat or whole meal bread and veggie omelet (veggies consist of sliced mushrooms, onions, bell pepper, garlic and a exiguous pepper) cooked in a greaseless pan. Snacks can be a selection between a cup of pineapple chunks and a cup of melon balls. As usual your regular cup or glass of iced tea is a must for the whole day and lots of water too. Again you can take a walk around the block or take the stairs as much as you can. Before going to bed check out your weight and narrative it.

Day 3

Have a cup of oatmeal for morning meal without sugar and with thin apple slices and of course your daily dose of tea, hot or cold. Lunch will be quite sumptuous today with pasta of your selection and make a fresh tomato sauce by boiling the tomatoes and letting it cool then squash it and take out the hard inner part. Sautee the tomatoes in a exiguous olive oil with lots of grated garlic and ornament with dried parsley, basil and ground pepper and a exiguous chili powder, before serving top with a exiguous grated parmesan or mozzarella cheese. Snacks can be a selection between half a serving of yoghurt or an orange. Dinner is also other meal you will love with grilled chicken done the way it was done in day 2 and cut into strips (you can also grill extra chicken breast the day before and save one for this meal). Sautee mixed vegetables in a exiguous olive oil, garlic and tomatoes and add the grilled chicken. Serve with a slice of wheat or whole meal bread. Do not forget your quota of tea drinks for each meal and anytime within the day. Also you need to do your daily walk and then narrative your weight before you go to bed. Day 3 has come and gone and I know you are quite elated by the results by this time!

Day 4

A slice of wheat or whole meal bread, a veggie omelet and tea will start off your day right. Lunch should be fish today, grilled with whole tomatoes and served with 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt, 1 tablespoon light mayonnaise and mixed and sprinkled with turmeric and ground white pepper. You can serve this with toasted French bread or wheat bread. Snacks are a selection between a cup of grapes and a cup of mixed fruits topped with yoghurt. To end your day, sauté cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, leeks wrap the cooled veggies in pita bread with peanut butter spread and sprinkle with garlic powder and ground pepper. Just to remind you not to forget your daily dose of tea and water is a must as well as your daily walks around the block. Of course do not forget to weigh in and narrative it.

Day 5

Breakfast on the 5th day of your diet is a slice of wheat or whole meal bread with a banana and peanut butter. Lunch will be a simple sandwich with grilled chicken breast and lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber and a exiguous light mayonnaise to keep your sandwich moist. Snacks are again a selection between a handful of peanuts and a cup of honey dew. Dinner is a simple chicken macaroni soup with onion leeks and a slice of French bread. This is your 5th day and for sure you are already used to your daily tea drinks and walks around the block. Before retiring to bed, weigh in and write it down. Are you seeing quite a big change in your weight and how you feel about yourself?

Day 6

Wow! You have gone through the 5 days and I know you do feel lighter. morning meal today will be back to the oatmeal and fruit of your selection without sugar and of course your tea drinks. Primavera pasta is the order for lunch. Just sauté the mixed veggies and throw in the cooked pasta of your choice. Mix well and serve with toasted garlic bread and iced tea. Snacks are a selection between a cup of fresh strawberries and one ounce dark chocolate. Sautee ground chicken with garlic and onions, add in a half cup of potato cubes and a box of raisins. Serve this for Dinner with a slice of wheat or whole meal bread. Drink your tea the whole day and add in lots of water and your regular walk. Weigh in and narrative that weight! For sure that smile means a lot by now.

Day 7

D-day has arrived, the day of reckoning! By the end of this day you will know for sure if this 7-day diet plan worked for you. morning meal can now be a selection between oatmeal with fruit and wheat bread with veggie omelet. Lunch is also your selection of grilled chicken or grilled fish with a slice of French bread. Snack is your selection of a cup of fruit each time. Finally Dinner is either mixed veggies or grilled chicken ceasar salad. For sure you will not forget your regular tea drinks and water plus your regular walk around the block. Weigh in and you will be surprised at how much weight you have lost.

This 7-day diet plan will honestly fast track your weight loss and keep you on your way to taking off all those excess fats.

I hope you have new knowledge about Leek And Potato Soup. Where you may offer use within your evryday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Leek And Potato Soup. Read more.. Lose Weight With Tea - Fast Track it in 7 Days.

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