Guaranteed Weight Loss - Think addition (Rule #1 of 3)

Potato - Guaranteed Weight Loss - Think addition (Rule #1 of 3)

Good morning. Now, I discovered Potato - Guaranteed Weight Loss - Think addition (Rule #1 of 3). Which may be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Guaranteed Weight Loss - Think addition (Rule #1 of 3)

Who cares about weight loss anyway? We all do.

What I said. It isn't in conclusion that the actual about Potato. You check out this article for facts about what you wish to know is Potato.


How come? bottom line: to feel good about ourselves and not have to think about it anymore.

Can you even imagine how freeing it would be to slip into any pants your miniature heart desires? Whew! Talk about euphoria.

Well, that freedom and thrill can be yours - no kidding - just by following these three simple rules in 10+10 for Life: add, stop, and wiggle.

Okay. Here's the game plan. I'll go over just Rule #1, and you concentrate on only that rule for the next week. Make it a game of addition.

After you get a jumpstart on the first rule, I'll go over the next rule. You game? Great! On your mark, get set, add!

Rule #1: Add 10+10 in a day, 10 fresh fruits, 10 dissimilar vegetables.

Sound like a lot? Just try it and see for yourself if you can add up to 20 every day. It's not so hard. Watch.

1. For your morning nutrients, graze on fresh fruits all morning long. Eat fullness sufficient to fill you up and satisfy you. I often eat as many as 10 fruits before noon. See how many fill you up. See? Not even noon and you're already adding like a champ.

2. For lunch, eat a large fill-you-up salad with 10 dissimilar vegetables (I count them all), like 2 dissimilar kinds of lettuce (no iceberg please), spinach, sprouts, avocado, tomato, carrot, red pepper, cucumber, onion, cauliflower, etc - any veggie that strikes your fancy.

Dressing: an oil-free, dairy-free commercial dressing, or do what I do - ½ lemon or lime, a concentrate of dashes of balsamic vinegar, diced up avocado, and stir up very, very well - yum!

Wow! Look at that. You're in the lead with the addition of 5 to 10 fruits and 10 dissimilar vegetables, and you still have the rest of the day.

3. For an afternoon snack (you'll get hungry a concentrate hours after eating salad), eat some more fresh fruit, veggies, like baby carrots, grape tomatoes, sliced cukes, or some raw, unsalted almonds or sunflower seeds. What's the count now?

Momentum's building to the grand finale of 10+10.

4. For dinner, eat in order: a medium salad left from your lunch salad makings, a steamed vegetable, a steamed or baked potato or yam, topped with pureed avocado and tomato, salsa, fresh tomato, or sautéed in water mushrooms, tomato, onion, herbs. (Then eat that other stuff, if you must.)

Wow! Count 'em up and stand proud as the winner of 10+10. I knew you could do it. Be amazed and dazed by you - you're fabulous. Now custom this game of 10+10 every day for the next week, and then the next month, and then for the rest of your life. Reap your infinite rewards as the grand winner of your body best that'll serve you well - for a long time to come.

Feed-me understanding for the Day

"Difficult choices today are easier than no selection tomorrow."
~ Dr. Leslie Van Romer

I hope you have new knowledge about Potato. Where you possibly can put to utilization in your life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Potato.

What on Earth is a Parsnip? Parsnip is a Great First Food For Your Baby

Potato - What on Earth is a Parsnip? Parsnip is a Great First Food For Your Baby

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned all about Potato - What on Earth is a Parsnip? Parsnip is a Great First Food For Your Baby. Which is very helpful for me and also you. What on Earth is a Parsnip? Parsnip is a Great First Food For Your Baby

What is a Parsnip?

What I said. It is not the conclusion that the true about Potato. You check this out article for info on anyone want to know is Potato.


Parsnip is a root vegetable that is white in color and looks very similar to a carrot. Parsnips have been nearby for ages and is native to Europe. It belongs to the carrot family, its flavor is strong, and it is cooked the same way you would cook a carrot. Parsnips are considered a winter vegetable since its flavorful qualities depend on the roots being exposed to frost or near icy temperatures, changing the starch into sugar with the end follow being a sweet and strong flavor.

Parsnips can be given to your baby while stage 1 or as a first food puree. Parsnips can be steamed, boiled, or roasted. You may need to cook them longer for small babies for easy pureeing, but older babies that can chew can enjoy this vegetable a miniature crispier by cutting down on cooking time. Shortening the duration of the cooking time also helps reserve vitamin C.

Nutritional Value

The parsnip is richer in many vitamins and minerals than its close relative the carrot. It is particularly rich in potassium with 600 mg per 100 g. Parsnip is also a good source of dietary fiber. 100 g of parsnip contains 55 calories (230 kJ) energy.

Parsnip Puree


2 medium parsnips


Trim, peel and slice parsnips. Boil in pan of water and simmer until very tender. About 20 minutes. Take off parsnips from pan with a slotted spoon and puree, adding as much of the cooking liquid as desired, to a plane consistency. Serve warm.

Parsnips are yummy when combined with white potatoes, carrots, or chicken.

Growing Parsnip in your Garden

Your baby can enjoy home grown parsnips right from your own yard. Parsnip seeds should be planted in April or May in deep, fertile soil. Parsnips are slow to germinate, even under excellent conditions, so a lot of patience is required.

Seeds should be planted 1/2 inch deep. Because germination is slow (and sometimes some seeds don't germinate at all), sow at least two or three seeds per inch. Space rows 18 to 24 inches apart or plants 8 to 10 inches apart in a bed. Some gardeners plant a radish seed every foot or so in the bed to mark the row because it's easy to forget where you've planted the parsnips. Radishes germinate rather speedily and will help you remember where the parsnips have been planted. The radishes will be ready for harvest just as the parsnips wish more self, development this a great planting combination.

Check your young parsnips for caterpillars which feed on most members of the carrot family and Take off them when spotted. Once parsnips are up, they wish very miniature attention.

I hope you have new knowledge about Potato. Where you can put to utilization in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Potato.